Michael Innamorato

He is the Producer of Michael Lamberti‘s All That You Love Will be Carried Away Dollar Baby film.

SKSM: May you introduce yourself to our readers?

Michael Innamorato: My name is Michael Innamorato, I recently graduated from Bloomsburg University  and I love making movies – writing, editing, acting, you name it.

SKSM: When did you know you wanted to become a producer?

Michael Innamorato: I don’t think there’s a specific moment in life that I could pinpoint that, it just kind of came about as I started becoming passionate for film!

SKSM: How did you become involved in All that you love will be carried away Dollar Baby film?

Michael Innamorato: Michael Lamberti, the director, is one of my best Friends and he wanted my help on the film.

SKSM: Can you tell us about your work in the film?

Michael Innamorato: I helped oversee the script, I was the behind-the-scenes camera operator, and I edited the film in its entirety.

SKSM: What was it like to work with Michael Lamberti on this film?

Michael Innamorato: It was a dream – this was his first big project and his planning for it was immaculate, outside of the obvious global pandemic that occurred.

SKSM: Was there any funny things that happened while filming (Bloopers, etc)

Michael Innamorato: Our main actor, Jim Kelley, has a luscious mane resembling Tommy Wiseau’s, and we were constantly quoting his films on set.

SKSM: Are you a fan of Stephen King’s work?

Michael Innamorato: I am! I haven’t read a great many, but I’d like to read the anthology that ‘All That You Love’ came from.

SKSM: What are you working on nowadays?

Michael Innamorato: Mostly my own projects which I’m not able to speak on at this time, sorry!

SKSM: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Something you’d like to tell our readers?

Michael Innamorato: Keep working your hardest and doing your best!

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