Mute (Mathew Bonta)

Title: Mute (2024) (USA)
Runtime: 35′ (In Post Production)
Based on the story: Mute
Director(s): Mathew Bonta
(Script-)writer(s): Mathew Bonta
Producer(s): Mathew Bonta
Cast: Cory Easley, Gregory Klino, Bob Ives, Natalie Hurt
Additional Crew: Chuck Staton

Monette, a middle-aged traveling book salesman, goes to confession. When the priest asks him what sin he has committed, Monette admits that he believes he has sinned in some way but is not entirely sure exactly what he is guilty of.

“Mute” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved

Currently it’s done and we’re working on the edit.Juli 22, 2024

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