Restare (David Chien)
Title: Restare (2018) (USA)
Runtime: 10′
Director(s): David Chien
(Script-)writer(s): David Chien
Producer(s): A.J. Vargas, Coco Marie Schneider
Cast: Shannon Mary Dixon, Nicholas Talone, Audrey Looye, Delicia Shattuck, Dwight Huntsman.
Additional Crew: Devin Roth, Charlotte Scovill, Tony Filipic, Sam Yano
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Meet Jane Dykstra, bestselling author of mystery/suspense novels. Under the nom de plume of Rachel Hardin, her books have cultivated a worldwide fan base of impressionable young women. But there are two distinct sides to Jane/Rachel—approachable and intimidating, open and secretive, genuine and scheming. While on a book tour for her latest novel, all seems business as usual…until she confronts a violent and disturbing struggle in an adjacent hotel room. Will Jane—or her alter ego, Rachel—intervene?
“Rest Stop” © Stephen King
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