Benjamin Hamilton

He is the Assistant Director of Albert Hamilton‘s Fletcher Dollar Baby film.
SKSM: Can you introduce yourself to our readers? Who are you and what do you do?
Benjamin Hamilton: My name is Benjamin Hamilton, son of Albert Hamilton, I am 20 years old and I am a law student at the University of Magallanes in the city of Punta Arenas, Chile.
SKSM: What experience do you have in producing videos and films?
Benjamin Hamilton: Since I was 13 I have supported Albert in the various productions he has made, both for the institution he works for, Carabineros de Chile, and in various personal projects. Over these 7 years, I have learned about photography, planning, and all the effort that goes into making a film.
SKSM: What do you think are the essential qualities for a good assistant director?
Benjamin Hamilton: Primarily, it requires enthusiasm and commitment to the project’s purpose. I think it’s important to lay the foundations and clearly establish what the objectives are to be achieved and from there, create links between the various members of a cast, in order to find the best way to work together and use the available resources in the most effective way possible.
SKSM: How do you plan the pre-production of a film?
Benjamin Hamilton: In advance, analyzing the elements of the film, coupled with an awareness of our advantages and possible factors that could negatively influence the production. I try to identify everything within our reach to obtain an even better result than desired.
SKSM: Is it difficult to stay within the time and budget limits?
Benjamin Hamilton: To a certain extent, it’s an issue that varies depending on the production in question. Without a doubt, the world of cinema is an area in which many of the situations that are sought to be brought to the screen depend on certain amounts of money for their realization, as well as the time factor that could delay us. However, one must always try to maintain a positive attitude and actively seek solutions in case of any difficulty.
SKSM: How do you deal with the challenges that arise on set with the cast and crew members?
Benjamin Hamilton: I deal with it calmly and optimistically, in the sense that I maintain a philosophy of life in which everything is possible and that with perseverance, optimism and teamwork we can all learn from each other and achieve great things.
SKSM: You worked with your father on this film, how was it?
Benjamin Hamilton: It was a pleasure. Ever since I can remember, my father has been an enthusiastic, honest person, dedicated not only to the goals he pursues, but also to his team. He is always 100% concerned about the well-being of those around him, creating an environment of trust that allows each of us to express ourselves to the greatest extent possible, accepting suggestions and encouraging each one of us to be much better than we think we are.
SKSM: Was there any funny or special moment during the making of the short film that you would like to tell me about?
Benjamin Hamilton: There was definitely a peculiar moment when our colleague David Ovando spontaneously created a spectacular laugh within the film that initially made us all laugh.
SKSM: What are you working on nowadays?
Benjamin Hamilton: I am currently willing to assist Albert in any project. As I mentioned before, I am currently studying to become a lawyer. Therefore, I am studying and learning about the world of law.
SKSM: Are you a Stephen King fan?
Benjamin Hamilton: Yes, I am a big fan of film adaptations mainly, I enjoy watching the movie “Christine” and also the series “The Outsider”. I really admire the worlds that Mr. King creates and it surprises me where that inspiration or imagination comes from to develop so many stories with unthinkable and unique elements within this great art.
SKSM: What one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Benjamin Hamilton: Besides studying law, I am training as a private pilot to aspire to become an airline transport pilot. I am also a lover of airplane photography, wildlife, landscapes, the moon, people, etc.
SKSM: Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Is there anything you would like to say to the fans who read this interview?
Benjamin Hamilton: Thank you for taking the time to read each of the interviews with the members of Fletcher. I imagine that you, as much as I, love the magic of Mr. King’s writings. I look forward to having the opportunity to enjoy this great writer even more, since we are fortunate to have coincided in the same era as him.
SKSM: Would you like to add anything else?
Benjamin Hamilton: Thank you to Mr. King and the Dollar Baby Program team for the opportunity given to this great group of people that became a beautiful experience in my life. Thank you also to all those who were part of this production for their great performance and commitment, to the members of Insomnia digital magazine who gave us the opportunity to tell our story, its readers, and also Albert Hamilton for trusting us to carry out this important project that filled us with joy, beautiful memories and passion for the seventh art.