Robert McSweeney

He is the filmmaker of Stationary Bike. Richard Enya story Dollar Baby film.
SKSM: May you introduce yourself to our readers? Who are you and what do you do?
Robert McSweeney: My name is Robert McSweeney, and I am an independent filmmaker.
SKSM: How would you decide that shooting movies was your mission?
Robert McSweeney: When I was a Little kid and MTV came out I seen a AC/DC video and knew that I wanted to be the guy behind the camera. Well life happened and that dream got puto n hold. Finally at the age of 48 I decided I was going to chase that dream. I enrolled in Full Sail University in the Digital Cinematography program. I had to make a couple school narrative projects and I got the movie making bug.
SKSM: Could you tell our readers the status of Stationary Bike or some updates?
Robert McSweeney: We are almost finished with filming. It will be in post-production August 2022.
SKSM: Who will be involved in this project?
Robert McSweeney: I am staring in this film. I play Richard Enya a pod caster who needs to lose some weight. I am the Director, Set Decorator, Casting, Cinematography, Producer.
Eric Celentano is our Director of Photography and Lead Gaff.
Jordan Hood plays ScarKro a blood thirsty scarecrow.
Jordan Engle plays Bastion the killer clown.
Juanita Merriman plays worker.
Kazket Bound is our composer/score guy.
SKSM: Why did you pick “Stationary Bike” to develop into a movie? What is it in the story that you like so much?
Robert McSweeney: I choose Stationary Bike because until I learned of the Dollar Baby program I never heard of it.
A lot of the plot takes place in the leads head so it left a lot of room for visuals. Finally I just felt it ya know. As I was listening to the audio book I was envisioning the story and how I wanted to tell.
SKSM: Due to Stephen King uses a lot of internalization in this story. What are the biggest challenges you might have when shooting?
Robert McSweeney: One big challenge I have had is keeping the cast. I have had to recast and rewrite this project three times. I have a solid crew and an amazing unheard-of cast. If you like good old fashion B flicks you will love this.
SKSM: Where would you like the premiere of Stationary Bike film to be?
Robert McSweeney: If I could rub a magic lamp and have it anywhere I would pick the 48 Lounge in New York City
SKSM: Are you a Stephen King fan? If so, which are your favorite works and adaptations?
Robert McSweeney: I am a huge Stephen King fan. My favorite adaptations are 3) Carrie 2) Pet Cemetary 1) Christine
SKSM: How did you find out that King sold the movie rights to some of his stories for just $1?
Robert McSweeney: I found the Dollar Baby program completely on accident. I was searching for grants for filmmakers in Washington State.
SKSM: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Robert McSweeney: I am BBQ pit master, and when I was 18 I was a cook in a 5 star restaurant.
SKSM: What advice would you give to those people who want to be filmmakers?
Robert McSweeney: I would say if they want to learn the basics go to Full Sail University’s Digital Cinematography online program. That, and that there’s nothing to it but to do it. Don’t let budgets stop you from making content. The funding will come later.
SKSM: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Is there anything you want to say to our readers?
Robert McSweeney: Thank you for taking the time to read this. I had a lot of fun and hope to do it again