The Things They Left Behind (Sara Werner)

Title: The Things They Left Behind (2017) (USA)
Runtime: 28′
Director(s): Sara Werner
(Script-)writer(s): Jake Gillman
Producer(s): Xinyue Chen, Michael Gabriel, Duba Leibell, Janet Weiner, Steve Williams, Melody Williams
Cast: Jeffrey Creightney, Crystal Cubria, Tom Frank, Dariana Fustes, Betsy Graver, Juliana Harkavy, Missy Jenkins, Chaz Mena, Terrance Murphy
Additional Crew: Jonathan Franklin, Chantal Gabriel, Annissa Omran, Gala Ricote, Crystal Ferreiro

Imdb | Facebook | Crowdfunding | Vimeo

A year after 9/11, a pair of red glasses and other things lost on that horrific day haunt a World Trade Center worker who suffers from severe survivor’s guilt.

“The Things They Left Behind” © Stephen King
Used with Permissions. All Rights Reserved

(Note: we do not host the movie or trailer)
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